Sunday, August 14, 2016

[Special Edition - How to survive a Family Therapy Programme]


My small, quarrelsome but nonetheless, still family

The Mum who till today still does not know what I am studying.
Gathering for my brief return in August 2015

Stole a little break before the second year to
go home to celebrate Dad's 60th birthday.

All the way from Primary School

To Secondary School

To High School

To University


My wacky colleagues


We have someone who will always make us
take a picture before anyone can touch their food.

Have got no idea what were Zafer and Stella raising their hands for.

Ellie was really making sure that we absorbed what we needed for the exam.

You could tell that we were really trying our best to understand Ellie.

We really have people who enjoy acting a lot in the group!

Someone particularly enjoys playing
Minuchin whom she adores to bits!

The weeks that we spent a good 8-12 hours in the library...

Finding our own ways to manage distractions...

Doing our revision...

The only time we spoke to each other were 
probably during toilet and meal breaks.

We always make sure that we make it a point to celebrate every milestone.
Well, that's basically the only time we can afford to give
our brain a break and reward it with a couple of drinks.

It is all about coffee,


Image may contain: makeup, coffee cup, camera, bus and indoor
And More Coffee!

Dissertation should have come with a warning for
people with emotional hunger.

And encouragement from loved ones.

A CRAZY BELIEF IN YOURSELF even when it seems ridiculous
Sometimes I think I have super power.

When I realised that I had chewed off more than I can. Spent half the time trying
to understand what the terms in the Chinese articles were about.

I spent so much time bugging Google Scholar for resources that
Google started to doubt who was behind the screen.

In order to be able to continue consulting Google Scholar, I need to show my worth.
To be able to identity mountains.

Took it a step further by scaling the mountain at Innsbruck.

Sometimes, it got so tiring that I tried to slow down a little,

And catch a little rest.

Someone arrived in the mail!

Sometimes, he tried to help although he had done a better job
at scaring me whenever I saw him in front of the laptop.
He tried his best to digest it all.
I guess maybe he thought diffusion would work better.
I guess he deserves a seat at graduation too.

The sculpture at Camberwell Park after one of those long days in the library.

Home (A National Day Parade song)

Whenever I am feeling low
I look around me and I know
There's a place that will stay within me
Wherever I may choose to go
I will always recall the city
Know every street and shore
Sail down the river which brings us life
Winding through my Singapore

This is home truly, where I know I must be
Where my dreams wait for me, where the river always flows
This is home surely, as my senses tell me
This is where I won't be alone, for this is where I know it's home

When there are troubles to go through
We'll find a way to start anew
There is comfort in the knowledge
That home's about its people too
So we'll build our dreams together
Just like we've done before
Just like the river which brings us life
There'll always be Singapore

And there is someone I need to meet

My Lovely Goddaughter, Kai En (凯恩)*, whom I have yet to meet in real life

*Extremely honoured to have the privileged to be involved in the naming process..
恩 [ēn] benevolence: disposition to do good; act of kindness
感恩 [gǎn ēn] gratitude: thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness

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